Thursday, November 12, 2015

FieldBlog7: Gearity Professional Development School

I was going into Gearity with my expectations fairly high, but in all honesty I can say that I was pretty disappointed. I am really looking forward to the time when I will be an Early Childhood Education teacher, but I could not say that I would want to teach at Gearity. I feel like maybe if I spent more time there, or in a different classroom I would have liked it much better. Of course, I did find the children to be absolutely adorable, as I was in Kindergarten, but that was about it. During this observation, I was wondering how Gearity would be different than Bryden Elementary, where I am doing my field work. The classroom was kind of white and boring, except for some of the artwork that was displayed. At Bryden, all of the classrooms are big and decorated, which I find much more inviting. The students were doing their morning seatwork and good morning songs, which consisted of counting and the letters. This was cute!, but the teacher seemed to have a had time keeping the kids on task. At Bryden, I have noticed that the kids do seem to get out of hand ever once and a while, but it was not as much as it was happening at Gearity. I did notice that the Kindergarten teacher was very passionate and enthusiastic about her students and what she was teaching. I think it was interesting to be able to observe the difference between these two elementary schools, but in my opinion, I love Bryden much better.

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