Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 5- Rofes Reading

In the readings from Rofes, it is interesting to learn his point of view as a homosexual growing up. When I was reading this, I felt like I should understand what his childhood was like, but it only made me realize how much different my own childhood was. My childhood was filled with love, support, and happy memories. If only I could go back to that time! Rofes mentions how happiness and the ability to be oneself during these blossoming early years is a very important thing. I completely agree with this! As a child, no matter if one is homosexual or heterosexual, they should be able to play with whatever they want whether it be dolls or trucks and enjoy the time they have as a child. Also, it is important to be able to be yourself as a child because during that time, an identity is developing and that person should be able to be whomever they feel like being. As adults, we should encourage students to be whatever they feel is right for themselves, rather than telling them that they are wrong. Rofes also discusses how some people channel the negative energy that is placed on them, and that is through violence. Rofes mentions that he can understand where these feelings of violence in children and teens come from. I absolutely think that anything involving violence is wrong. Weapons, physical abuse, or bullying is no way to solve the feelings of people, or make them feel accepted. I think that in today's times, there are so many resources available to students where they have the ability to open up about their feelings in a way that is not harmful to others. In the next few years when I become a teacher, I would like to be a person that students can come speak to when they are feeling hurt, confused, or just in general need someone to talk to whether they are homosexual or heterosexual. I hope that in future years, students and even people outside of the classroom can be more accepting of people that they believe to be different than them. I also hope that no child has to have a sad or confusing childhood, those are some great years and they should be spent creating amazing and fun memories.

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