Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Education 100- Week 1 Class Survey

1. Erin
2. I am from North Olmsted, Ohio.
3. I would like to teach Early Childhood Education, preferably third graders. I enjoy a variety of subjects but, if I had to choose, I would enjoy teaching English or History.
4. I enjoy meeting new people and hanging out with friends. I like to run.This semester, I am hoping to become involved with a sorority. I also hope to get involved in Campus Ministry.
5. To me, family matters most. The following article discusses the importance of family, This article related to my thoughts on family. It expressed how your family builds the person that you become. It also discusses the support system of a family. It put my feelings of family into words.
6. To take intellectual and creative risks in a college class, I feel that I need to be comfortable with my professor and the environment. But, I think that even if I am uncomfortable I can break through that and attempt to take risks.
7. A formative memory in my academic career would be my Genesis Project. At the end of senior year, I had to complete this project. For my project, I shadowed a sixth grade teacher. It was such a fun and learning experience. It took me back to sixth grade where I was able to remember why I enjoyed school. I only wish I could have had this experience earlier on.
8. One concern of mine in the field of education is that there are teachers that are not truly passionate about educating children and bettering their futures. I also think that all of the mandatory tests that students have to complete are not helping them learn.
9. Why did you decide to become an educator? What are your hopes on the future of education?

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