Monday, September 14, 2015

Blog Post 2- Significance of Quote

Week Two of class and there is a lot of information from the variety of readings to think about. Especially this quote, "“We do not really see with our eyes or hear through our ears, but through our beliefs.” Lisa Delpit said this quote, but what is its significance? When I first read this quote, it reminded me to stay true to what you believe. No matter what you are seeing or hearing, your beliefs are all that matter. But, the more I thought about the quote, I feel that it means that we perceive, or see or hear things through our beliefs rather than what we are seeing or hearing. So basically, everything we are seeing is seen in a way that relates to our beliefs. But, this quote goes deeper than this. It means that when we see or hear things, we have to put ourselves in the place of others, and not let our beliefs get in the way of the situation. I still think that it means that we must stay true to ourselves, but to also have the ability to open our eyes to other viewpoints.

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